- About
- 1: Quilts 101 – Antique and Contemporary Quilts
- 2: Quilts Bring History Alive
- 3: The Quilt Marketplace
- 4: What is Art?
- 5: Gee’s Bend: “The Most Famous Quilts in America?”
- 6: How Quilts have been Viewed and Collected
- 7: Empowering Women One Quilt at a Time
- 8: Quilt Nation – 20,000,000 and Counting!
- 9: Quilt Scholarship: Romance and Reality
- Special Features
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Event Archive:
9/12/2015: Empowering Women One Quilt at a Time
Greater San Antonio Quilt Guild
Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
8231 Callagan Road
San Antonio, TX 78230
For more information, please visit sanantonioquilt.org
9/12/2015: Group Discussion of Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics series
Greater San Antonio Quilt Guild
Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
8231 Callagan Road
San Antonio, TX 78230
For more information, please visit sanantonioquilt.org
5/19/2014: Why Quilts Matter - Through the Lenses of the Series
Front Range Contemporary Quilters
Westminster City Park Recreation Center
10455 Sheridan Blvd.
Denver, CO
05/18/2014: Welcome to the Discussion: Why Quilts Matter with Shelly Zegart
Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum
Foss Auditorium
1213 Washing ton Avenue
Golden, CO
4/19/2014: Why Quilts Matter Discussion
Textile Arts Council and the de Young Museum
Koret Auditorium
10:00 AM
50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive
San Francisco, CA
Golden Gate Park
Admission to the program is FREE for Textile Arts Council Members, $10 General Admission, $5 Students and FAMSF members.
About the event:
Quilts, as Shelly will discuss in her presentation, are the tangible expressions of ideas about art, self, and community that range across a wide spectrum. As the quiltmakers of Gee’s Bend, Alabama, will tell you, the consideration of their work as art is new to their way of thinking. It is not a question of the ability to create and appreciate the aesthetics of their work, but one of how the contemporary art world receives and values that work. Shelly Zegart continues to demolish the divisions that inhibit the reception of the quilt as art—both in the minds of makers and viewers. This is a rare opportunity to learn about the evolution of her career with quilts as she shares both favorite quilt images as well as uses some key clips from her nine episode documentary Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics to illustrate her presentation. She will talk about the goals she had from the outset when deciding to create the documentary and its Discussion Guide – who she was trying to reach and why and what she learned along the way.
Shelly Zegart has spent more than three decades researching, documenting and showcasing the rich heritage of quilting in America. Garnering national and international recognition, her work transcends stereotype and myth, combining rigorous academic scholarship with a deep respect and personal connection to the craft. Her lectures, essays, and books epitomized by her 2008 article Myth and Methodology: Shelly Zegart Unpicks African-American Quilt Scholarship in the British art journal Selvedge embrace concerns that engage collectors, curators, historians, folklorists, and others. From collector, scholar, dealer, author, to filmmaker- Shelly is always looking at the role and impact of quilts at the center of American culture. The task is far from complete.
9/21/2013: Featured at Phillips Public Library, Maine...
September 21, 2013
Phillips Library
96 Main Street
Phillips, Maine 04966
1:00 – 5:30 PM
As part of its monthly ‘Arts on the Move’ program, the Phillips Public Library is sponsoring two events on Saturday, September 21. Starting at 1:00 PM, the documentary, ‘Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics’, will be featured.
Also, that afternoon, in the main building, will be an art exhibition of quilts offered by the Narrow Gauge Quilters. The afternoon events, which will end at 5:30 PM, are free to the public.
Visit http://www.phillips.lib.me.us for more information.
5/16/2013: SAQA's Heritage Quilters of Huntsville Guild Meeting
May 16, 2013
Heritage Quilters of Huntsville Guild Meeting
Faith Presbyterian Church
5003 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, Alabama 35802
Guild Social begins at 6:30 pm
Guild Meeting begins at 7:00 pm.
Join Shelly Zegart and the members of the Heritage Quilters of Huntsville to view and discuss Episode 7 “Empowering Women One Quilt at a Time.” The event is open to the public.
There is a $5.00 guest fee for non-members.
Visit http://www.hsvquilters.org for more information.
4/26/2013-4/28/2013: SAQA's Expanding Horizons Conference
April 26-28, 2013
SAQA’s “Expanding Horizons” Conference
The Lodge at Santa Fe
750 N. St. Francis Drive
Santa Fe, New Mexico
“Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics:” Behind the Scenes of a Landmark Documentary with Shelly Zegart
Saturday, April 27 from 9 am to 10:15 am
“Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics,” is an exciting and relevant nine-part documentary series that is changing the way people think about quilts. If you haven’t seen it yet, by all means do! Meantime, join Executive Producer and series host, Shelly Zegart, for the behind-the-scenes “scoop” on all things WQM. Where did it come from? Who did it and how was it done? Who paid the bill? And—most importantly—why should “Why Quilts Matter” matter to you? You’ll want to be there when Shelly “tells all” in this informative and entertaining multimedia presentation.
For more information visit http://www.saqa.com/news.php?ID=2103.
4/16/2013: It's Sew Fine: For Home and Family Sewing Expo
April 16-17, 2013
It’s Sew Fine: For Home and Family
Sewing Expo
General Butler State Resort Park
Carrollton, Kentucky
Tuesday, April 16
6:00 PM Buffett Dinner with speaker Shelly Zegart
For more than 35 years renowned quilt expert Shelly Zegart has had a mission to bring to the forefront awareness of quilts as historical record, political mouthpiece, and works of art. This
passion for quilts led her to create the nine-part landmark documentary, “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics”. Shelly will bring many quilts to illustrate the messages quilts hold.
Join Shelly as she gives us insights into why quilts have been and continue to be at the center of American culture. How might you be able to share this documentary that spreads the word about the importance of quilting to America?
2/24/2013: The Sheerar Museum of Stillwater History
February 24, 2013
The Sheerar Museum of Stillwater History
702 S. Duncan St.,
Stillwater, OK 74074.
2:00 pm
Join The Sheerar Museum of Stillwater History as they present the first two episodes of “Why Quilts Matter” followed by a discussion led by local quilt experts from the Cimarron Quilt Group.
For more information, visit http://www.sheerarmuseum.org/.
1/20/2013: Screening at the Figge Art Museum
January 20, 2013
Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics Screening
Figge Art Museum
225 West Second Street
Davenport, Iowa 52801
2:30 – 4:00 pm
Three episodes will be shown during this event:
Episode 7: Empowering Women One Quilt at a Time
Episode 8: Quilt Nation: 20,000,000 and Counting!
Episode 9: Quilt Scholarship: Romance and Reality
Free with membership or museum admission.
For more information visit http://www.figgeartmuseum.org.
1/5/2013: San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles - Art of Collecting with Shelly Zegart
January 5, 2013
“Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics,” an Art of Collecting with program Shelly Zegart
San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles
520 S. First Street, San Jose CA 95113
2 pm-5 pm (Reception at 4 pm)
Shelly Zegart, Executive Producer and Host for the series Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics, is coming to the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles for a special Art of Collecting program on Saturday, January 5th. Zegart, co-founder of The Kentucky Quilt Project, Inc., The Alliance for American Quilts, and an expert at the forefront of quilt study for over three decades will be interviewed by SJMQT Executive Director Christine Jeffers, and an episode of her groundbreaking series “Why Quilts Matter” will be presented titled “What is Art?. Please join us for this exciting event at 2pm followed by a reception at 4pm.
Members $20.00, Non-Members $30.00, Students and seniors $15.00.
Purchase Tickets Online (coming soon)
For more information visit http://www.sjquiltmuseum.org/.
11/1/2012-11/4/2012: River's Edge International Film Festival
November 1-4, 2012
River’s Edge International Film Festival
Maiden Alley Cinema
112 Maiden Alley
Paducah, KY 42001
“Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics” was accepted into the 2012 River’s Edge International Film Festival. Join Shelly Zegart in Paducah to view the series and other nominated films on November 1st through the 4th.
The River’s Edge International Film Festival brings independent film to the smart, arts-oriented, mid-American river town of Paducah, Kentucky. Paducah already has a burgeoning visual and performing arts scene, and the film festival is right in the center of this cultural hub.
Celebrating the 8th year, the River’s Edge International Film Festival is a four day event built around the showing of quality independent film from around the world. Our focus is both on the film lover, providing multiple venues in which to experience the best the world of cinema has to offer, and on the film maker, offering opportunities for exhibition, education, and networking with contemporaries.
The River’s Edge International Film Festival is soon to be at the apex of the festival circuit. It is dedicated to the serious film maker, the serious film lover, and the art of the cinema.
Visit http://www.riversedgefilmfestival.com for more information.
10/3/2012-10/7/2012: American Quilt Study Group Annual Seminar
October 3 – 7, 2012
American Quilt Study Group
Thirty-Third Annual Seminar
Lincoln, Nebraska
Friday Study Center
October 5, 2012
The Story Behind, “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics”
Shelly Zegart and Karen Alexander
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Cost: $50
Karen Alexander writes, “Zegart doesn’t so much present answers as raise more questions and the breadth of her coverage is quite daring and exciting. Here is your chance to learn the behind the scenes story.” Join Karen as she interviews Shelly and learn first-hand the process behind the series, followed by questions and discussion.
Saturday Roundtable Discussion
October 6, 2012
Roundtable Lunch
Topic – #29 The Story Behind “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics”
Roundtable Leader – Shelly Zegart
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Contact [email protected] or (402) 477-1181 for registration information.
You must register prior to the event to participate.
Visit www.americanquiltstudygroup.org for more information.
09/30/2012: Fall Antiques Market at Locust Grove
September 30, 2012
Fall Antiques Market at Locust Grove
561 Blankenbaker Lane, Louisville, KY 40207
10:00 am – 4:30 pm
This annual Antiques Market features professional dealers from the South and Midwest displaying their wares on the lawn at Historic Locust Grove. In addition to American country antiques, the show features formal furniture, books and emphemera, ceramics, jewelry and silver.
Added feature this year: at 2:30 in the auditorium, quilt expert Shelly Zegart shows Episode 3:The Quilt Marketplace and answers your questions about collecting quilts.
Admission is $6 ($3 for children 6-12). Admission includes tours of the historic house museum. Concessions are available.
Proceeds support the continued operation and preservation of Historic Locust Grove.
For more information visit www.locustgrove.org.
07/11/2012: Afternoon Lecture Series at Locust Grove
July 11, 2012
561 Blankenbaker Lane, Louisville, KY 40207
Join Shelly Zegart for an episode screening and discussion.
Dessert and coffee are served at 1:00 pm with the lecture immediately following at 1:15 PM.
Admission is $5, $3 for Friends of Historic Locust Grove. Reservations are not required.
Visit http://www.locustgrove.org/ for more information.
06/29/2012-07/1/2012: Vermont Quilt Festival Lunch Hour Screening
June 29, 2012 – July 1, 2012
Vermont Quilt Festival Lunch Hour Screening
Champlain Valley Exposition
105 Pearl Street, Essex Junction, VT
Show Hours
June 29 – 30, 9AM-6PM
July 1, 9AM-3PM
One-day: $12; seniors (age 65+) and groups (of 25+) $10
Two-day pass: $21; seniors and groups $19
Three-day pass: $28; seniors/groups $27
Children under 14 free with paying adult
All admissions include free parking.
Get a special chance to view a part of the “Why Quilts Matter” during the lunch hour each day of the Festival.
“Put up your feet, have a bite to eat, and enjoy a great show!”
Visit http://www.vqf.org for more information.
06/14/2012-06/16/2012: 43rd Annual National Quilting Association Quilt Show
June 14, 2012 – June 16, 2012
43rd Annual National Quilting Association Quilt Show
Hall C Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio
The National Quilting Association is excited to welcome its 43rd Annual Show! As one of the largest non-juried national quilt shows, the NQA is proud to be the longest running quilt exhibition in the country. Enjoy countless vendors, special guest, events, classes, and a special screening of four “Why Quilts Matter” episodes. Times and episodes listed below.
Thursday, June 14, 12:00 PM — Quilts Bring History Alive
Friday, June 15, 12:00 PM — Gee’s Bend: “The Most Famous Quilts in America?”
Saturday, June 16, 3:00 PM — What is Art?
Saturday, June 16, 4:00 PM — Empowering Women One Quilt at a Time
For more information, visit http://nqaquilts.org/2012show/.
05/19/2012: Episode Screening at New England Quilt Museum
May 19, 2012
Episode Screening at New England Quilt Museum
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Admission is free. Attendees are encouraged to make a $25 donation in honor of the museum’s 25th anniversary.
Join Shelly Zegart during a “Garden Party” to show the museum’s appreciation to over one hundred guilds throughout New England who support the museum. Just for fun, ladies are encouraged to wear their hats & gloves. The first two episodes will play on a continuous loop throughout the afternoon followed by a talk with Shelly about her experiences with the project.
NEQM is celebrating their Silver Anniversary in 2012. They are offering free admission on the 25th of each month (on regularly scheduled opened days). On those “free” days they will be showing episodes of the series. The series includes images of eleven quilts from the permanent collection of the New England Quilt Museum.
For more information, visit http://nequiltmuseum.org/home.html.
04/27/2012: 28th Annual AQS Paducah Quilt Show Episode Screening
April 27, 2012
Paducah, Kentucky
Admission: $12
See two episodes, ‘Quilt Nation: 20,000,000 and Counting’ and ‘Empowering Women One Quilt at a Time’ of this documentary that explores quilts in fresh new ways. Executive Producer and Host Shelly Zegart will be on hand to discuss the documentary and to autograph copies of the DVD which will be available at the showing.
The 28th Annual AQS Paducah Quilt Show will take place from April 25 – 28.
04/25/2012: Maiden Alley Cinema, Padukah, KY, presents Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics
April 25, 2012
Maiden Alley Cinema
Paducah, Kentucky
Ticket Prices:
Children & Students: $4.75
Seniors (65 and up): $5.25
Adults: $7.25
Visit Maiden Alley Cinema for your chance to see four of the nine episodes of “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics”
Schedule is as follows:
Wednesday, April 25 @ 6:00 – Quilts Bring History Alive
Friday, April 27 @ 6:00 – The Quilt Marketplace
Saturday, April 28 @ 6:00 – Gee’s Bend: “The Most Famous Quilts in America?”
Sunday, April 29 @ 6:00 – Quilt Scholarship: Romance and Reality
All showings will start on time!
For more information, visit www.maidenalleycinema.com or call 270.442.7723.
03/25/2012: Why Quilts Matter Screening at Locust Grove
Why Quilts Matter Screening at Locust Grove
March 25, 2012 2-3:30PM
Locust Grove, 561 Blankenbaker Lane, Louisville, KY 40207
Join Shelly Zegart for a showing of the first 2 episodes of the series, “Quilts 101: Antique and Contemporary Quilts” and “Quilts Bring History Alive”, followed by a question and answer session. The remaining episodes in the series will be shown at Locust Grove in subsequent weeks, schedule to be announced.
02/27/2012: Quilts As Metaphors, Panel Discussion at Spalding University
“Quilts As Metaphors,” Panel Discussion at Spalding University
February 27, 2012 12-2PM
Huff Gallery, Spalding University, 853 Library Lane, Louisville, Kentucky 40203
In conjunction with “Rooted in the Earth,” a panel discussion called “Quilts as Cultural Metaphors” will be held at Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky. This event will include a preview of Episode Seven, “Empowering Women One Quilt at a Time,” of Shelly Zegart’s new nine-part documentary, “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art and Politics” followed by a roundtable discussion.
“Rooted in Earth” is an art exhibit featuring textiles and fiber art by Pat DaRif, Joanne Weis and Valerie White. It will be exhibited at Spalding University’s Huff Gallery from February 26 – April 8, 2012.
Guest speakers for the panel include: Shelly Zegart, Executive Producer and Host, distinguished quilt expert, collector and co-founder of the Alliance for American Quilts, one of the founders of the Quilt Index and a founding director of the The Kentucky Quilt Project, Inc.
Linda Beattie, author and professor of Communication at Spalding University is currently working on her forthcoming book about Kentucky quilts and quilt makers for the University Press of Kentucky.
Patricia Dillon, is a professor of History at Spalding University. Her research interest focuses on the connections between race, gender, and religion during the Civil War and Reconstruction era.
Pat DaRif is a fiber artist whose work has been exhibited in many local and national venues.
Joanne Weis is a mixed media textile artist whose work can be found in numerous private collections around the country.
Valerie C. White, an award winning fiber artist, has been creating quilts for almost twenty years.
The Huff Gallery is located in the Library Building, Spalding University, 853 Library Lane (between York and Breckinridge Streets, and Third and Fourth Streets). The gallery is open Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sunday, noon to 7 p.m. For further information, contact Joyce Ogden or go to www.spalding.edu/visitor/huff-gallery
02/20/2012: American Patchwork and Quilting Radio Interview with Shelly Zegart
American Patchwork and Quilting Radio Interview with Shelly Zegart, Series Executive Producer and Host
February 20, 2012 4PM EST
On February 20th, at 4PM EST tune in for Pat Sloan’s conversation with the series Executive Producer and Host, Shelly Zegart, on the American Patchwork and Quilting Radio Show, at 4PM EST.
02/02-04/2012: Heart of Country Antiques Show
Heart of Country Antiques Show
February 2-4, 2012
Gaylord Opryland Hotel, 2800 Opryland Drive, Nashville, TN 37214
Preview Party:
Thursday, February 2, 2011 6pm-9pm
Show Hours:
Friday, February 3, 2011 10am-8pm
Saturday, February 4, 2011 10am – 5pm
Preview Night admission is $60 for advance ticketing and $65 at door. Preview ticket also includes free admission everyday of the show
Daily $10 admission includes all exhibits and illustrated lectures.
Free Parking Lot E and free shuttle
Heart of Country is the “grand-daddy” of American antiques shows, where the finest antiques and decorative arts from every region migrate to Nashville — the crossroads of America. The show includes quality dealers, exclusive exhibits, special guest speakers, popular walking tour, and more! It’s where friends meet friends, dealers meet dealers, and everyone “captures the glory of “America’s Favorite Antiques Show” – the one and only, original Heart of Country held just once a year!
The Heart of Country Antiques Show is proud to be prominently featured in “Why Quilts Matter”. DVDs will be available for purchase at the show. Shelly Zegart, Executive Produce and Host, will be available to sign DVDs on Preview night and Friday morning.
12/13/2011: Food For Thought with Shelly Zegart
Food For Thought with Shelly Zegart
December 13, 2011 12pm
Louisville Visual Art Association, 3005 River Rd. Louisville, KY 40207
$10 LVAA members / $15 non-members
(Admission includes lunch by Cafe Fraiche)
Preview Episode four, “What is Art?” of the nine-part series “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics.”
Seating is limited, reservations required.
502.896.2146 x100 or [email protected]
11/19/2011: Documentary Series Screening at the Newark Museum
“Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics” Documentary Series Screening at the Newark Museum
November 19, 2011 1pm
The Newark Museum, 49 Washington St., Newark, NJ 07102
Fee–Series: $25 members; $30 non-members
Individual Programs: $10 members, $15 non-members
Pre-registration is required; call 973.596.6613 or purchase tickets online at newarkmuseum.com.
Preview Episode Two, “Quilts Bring History Alive,” of the new nine-part documentary, “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics” followed by a roundtable discussion with quilt experts, collectors and artists who will share their stories.
Tours of the exhibition, Patchwork from Folk Art to Fine Art and a coffee reception will follow each program.
Guest speakers: Shelly Zegart, distinguished quilt expert, collector and co-founder of the Alliance for American Quilts, one of the founders of the Quilt Index and a founding director of the The Kentucky Quilt Project, Inc. She is the Executive Producer and Host of the nine-part documentary series “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics,” Ann Berman, series writer, author, and journalist, Susan Ball Faeder, artist, teacher, designer and business owner of Quilters’ Express to Japan, and Marilyn Henrion, quilt artist whose work is represented in the Smithsonian Institution’s Archives of American Art as well as solo and group exhibitions in museums and galleries throughout the U.S. and abroad.
For more information please contact Linda Nettleton, Director of Programming, (973) 596-6553.
11/12/2011: Why Quilts Matter & What Yours Is Worth, A Special Event
Why Quilts Matter & What Yours Is Worth A Special Event for Quilt Enthusiasts featuring: Shelly Zegart
November 12, 2011 1pm
Donna Sharp at Westport Village 1201 Herr Lane, Suite 155 Louisville, KY
Don’t miss this must-attend FREE event for local quilters and collectors!
Donna Sharp Inc. is proud to welcome Shelly Zegart to our Westport Village store. Shelly will provide complimentary quilt evaluations and discuss her recent documentary series “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics.”
Attendees will also enjoy savings of up to 40% on select Donna Sharp quilts, accessories and quilted handbags.
11/05/2011: Coffee and Conversation with Shelly Zegart and Vadis Turner
Coffee and Conversation with Shelly Zegart and Vadis Turner
November 5, 2011 9:30am
The Green Building, 732 E. Market Street, Louisville, KY
The event is free, but space is limited. To reserve your spot please contact 502.561.1162 or [email protected].
Join Exhibiting Artist Vadis Turner and Executive Producer Shelly Zegart for a discussion about Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics on Saturday, Nov. 5 at 9:30 a.m. at The Green Building (732 E. Market St.). The recently released series executive produced and hosted by Zegart features Turner and her take on quilts and female empowerment, whether or not quilts are art and her own foray into the quilt world.
Video clips from the series will be shown and a discussion led by Zegart and Turner will be held. A light breakfast will be served and there will be an opportunity to see Turner’s current exhibit “Bowhead Down,” which re-imagines the beauty and energy of change and loss and celebrates the state of in between. This marks her third solo exhibition in Louisville.
“Bowhead Down” will run November 4 – December 16, 2011. Gallery Hours: Monday through Friday 9a–5p. For more information on Vadis Turner visit www.vadisturner.com.
10/21-11/13/2011: Documentary Series Screening at the Charleston Museum
“Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics” Documentary Series Screening at the Charleston Museum
October 21, 2011 – November 13, 2011
The Charleston Museum, 360 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29403
The documentary will be shown in the museum’s auditorium and is free with general museum admission ($10/adults, $5/children; members and kids under 3 free).
From October 21 through November 13 the Charleston Museum continues its historic textiles programming with a newly released nine-part documentary series in which numerous quilts from this museum’s collection appear. “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics” takes a fresh look at quilts and their unique position at the center of a broad grid of topics, ranging from women’s studies to the contemporary art market. For the quilter, collector or even casual observer, each episode explores the centrality of the quilt in American culture and reveals the unsuspected size, breadth, and depth of the current quilt phenomenon.
Screening Schedule:
From October 21 through November 13, two episodes will be shown twice per week on Fridays at 10:30 a.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m.:
- October 21 & 23 – Quilts 101: Antique and Contemporary Quilts and Quilts Bring History Alive
- October 28 & 30 – The Quilt Marketplace and What is Art?
- November 4 & 6 – Gee Bend: “The Most Famous Quilts in America?” and How Quilts have been Viewed and Collected
- November 11 & 13 – Empowering Women One Quilt at a Time, Quilt Nation: 20,000,000 and Counting! and Quilt Scholarship: Romance and Reality (3 parts)
For more information, visit www.charlestonmuseum.org or call 722-2996 x235.
10/16/2011: Documentary Series Screening at the American Folk Art Museum
“Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics” Documentary Series Screening at the American Folk Art Museum
October 16, 2011 1pm
2 Lincoln Square (Columbus Avenue at 66th Street), New York, NY 10023-6214
Admission is free. Space is limited. Registration: 212. 265. 1040, ext. 105 or [email protected].
Preview episode 6, “How Quilts Have Been Viewed and Collected,” followed by a discussion with executive producer and host Shelly Zegart. This episode traces the slow incursion of quilts into museum collections, making the leap from bed to gallery wall. It charts institutional attitudes toward quilts as objects, rationales for their selection, and the public response to their exhibition. It also explores the lure of quilts for the private collector—who has got to have them, and why.
10/15/2011: Documentary Series Screening at the Empire Quilt Guild
“Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics” Documentary Series Screening at the Empire Quilt Guild
October 15, 2011 1pm
The Empire Quilt Guild, Church of the Holy Apostle, 296 Ninth Ave (@28th St.), New York, NY 10001
Meetings are free for Guild members. Guests are welcome (guest fee: $10.00 at the door).
Screening of Episode 7, “Empowering Women One Quilt at a Time” from “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics” documentary series.
For information contact Guild President Paula Kenney at (212) 982-8043.
10/01/2011: Documentary Series Screening at the Bluegrass Quilt Festival
“Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics” Documentary Series Screening at the Bluegrass Quilt Festival
October 1, 2011 1pm
Paroquet Springs Conference Center, 395 Paroquet Springs Drive, Shepherdsville, Kentucky
$10.00 / Proceeds to benefit Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to see a preview of Episode 8, “Quilt Nation: 20,000,000 and Counting” and to meet Shelly Zegart, Executive Producer and Host. Those people attending will have the opportunity to purchase the complete DVD set and have it signed by Zegart.
This event will be your first chance to see episode 8, a discussion of the economics and magnitude of the quilting industry. The continuing documentary runs on KET on Monday evenings at 7 P.M.
For more information on Bluegrass Quilt Festival go to www.bluegrassquiltfestival.com.
Directions to the conference center can be found at www.paroquetsprings.org.
09/14/2011: Documentary Series Screening at the Carnegie Center for Art & History
“Why Quilts Matter: History, Art and Politics” Documentary Series Screening at the Carnegie Center for Art & History
September 14, 2011 7pm
Carnegie Center for Art & History, 201 East Spring Street New Albany, IN 47150
$5.00 / Free for Members. Limited seating. Registration required by September 13.
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to preview Episode 4, “What is Art?” from the new documentary “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics,” followed by a conversation with Executive Producer and Host Shelly Zegart. After the program, light refreshments will be served in the exhibition “Heartbeats: Art Quilts by Penny Sisto” and visitors will have the opportunity to purchase the DVD and have it signed by Zegart.
This event will be your first chance to see episode 4, a discussion of how the quilt fits into the art vs. craft debate. Episode 1 of the series will premier September 5 at 7pm on KET.
For more information, please contact the Carnegie Center at (812) 944-7336 or [email protected] or visit www.carnegiecenter.org.
08/21/2011: Documentary Series Screening at The Speed Art Museum
“Why Quilts Matter: History, Art and Politics” Documentary Series Screening at The Speed Art Museum
August 21, 2011 2pm
The Speed Art Museum, 2035 South Third Street, Louisville, KY 40208
Screening of Episode 2, “Quilts Bring History Alive” from “Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics” documentary series. Light refreshments to follow the presentation.
For information, please email contact [email protected] or (502) 634-2700.